Group Life part III

Construction of the Plan and Manual for the Times of Emergency in the Light-Community Figueira
An Emergency Plan aims to adapt a group, in structural, organizational and people training terms, so that the response to a humanitarian, social or environmental crisis can be...

Acupuncture in Movement: Eastern Body Art Practices in the Light-Community Figueira
In Creative Life, one of the areas of the Light-Community Figueira, Thursday mornings begin with energetic, precise, contemplative and healing movements. It's Qi Gong class day...

Figueira welcomes students to experience environmental education
On May 3rd, the first Environmental Education experience was held in the “Terras do Sol” area of Light-Community Figueira. The theme of the experience was water. The objective...

Seven Encounters, Seven Petals, Seven Colors: Continuing training of the Tibetano Park School team seeking new expressions in the educational context
Between the 5th and 17th of April, the pedagogical team and management of Tibetano Park School participated in an experiential seminar entitled “Seven Encounters, Seven Petals...

Tibetano Park Garden begins activities in new headquarters
On April 15th, Tibetano Park Garden began activities in its new headquarters, at 164, Dr. Veiga Lima St., in the city of Carmo da Cachoeira-MG. Early childhood education now...

Plantation Sector´s Joint Effort in Lands of the Sun: an experience of fraternity
‘’The joint efforts in Figueira are the basis of the group life,’’ explains Luciane, resident of the Light-Community. ‘’The joint effort makes us think about the importance we...