Complementary preventive health and well-being
Healing Unit Sollievo Della Sofferenza
At Figueira, the aim is to promote healing at a deep level, which goes beyond the elimination of physical, emotional and mental disharmony. The Nucleo Corazón Sagrado (Sacred Heart Nucleus) offers therapeutic care to people who stay in the Light Community of Figueira, and the Casa Luz de la Colina offers care to the residents of the city of Carmo da Cachoeira.
The procedures provided by the Sollievo Della Sofferenza Healing Unit seek to go beyond physical symptoms, providing conditions for individuals to experience transformation and find the path of inner healing.
Therapeutic procedures
Among the procedures called external therapies, the Unit of Healing offers soaking baths, poultices, compresses, sound therapy, enemas, colonic cleansing, and footbaths. In addition, therapies performed in nature are offered, such as outdoor showers, baths in the lake, and clay baths.
The Healing Unit seeks a synthesis and balance in the use of natural medicine and allopathic medicine. In this area, we count on the partnership of doctors who, in their specialities, help us to accompany the patients who need it.
Medicinal garden
Almost all the plants used in the preparation of the therapeutic practices carried out in the Healing Unit are cultivated in our
medicinal garden. From the planting and harvesting of the vegetables & herbs, to their processing and application, everything is part of a reverent ceremonial that, full of love and care at every stage, seeks to radiate the healing impulse to the patients.
News about complementary preventive health and well-being

Acupuncture in Movement: Eastern Body Art Practices in the Light-Community Figueira
In Creative Life, one of the areas of the Light-Community Figueira, Thursday mornings begin with energetic, precise, contemplative and healing movements. It's Qi Gong class day...

Health and Healing Sector promotes Meeting between Units
The Health and Healing Sector of the Light Community of Figueira affiliated to Fraternidade - International Humanitarian Federation (FFHI), with the aim of unifying, strengthening...

The medicinal garden is back at Núcleo Corazón Sagrado
After a long period of pause, the medicinal garden is being resumed in the Sacred Heart Nucleus thanks to the dedication of the Health and Care Sector and the collaborators of the...