Get to know other Light-Communities
Practice fraternity, selfless service, spread love and care for the Kingdoms of Nature", these are the principles that guide the Communities-Light, civil associations of group coexistence and spiritual ecumenical activity, affiliated with the Fraternity - Federation Humanitarian (FFHI).
Light-Community Nova Terra (Crer-Sendo)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Born with the task of providing a life experience based on the motto "Consciousness through Coexistence", aspiring to a differentiated way of life, the Nova Terra Light Community is located in the rural area of Teresópolis, in Rio de Janeiro .
Each new day, the maintenance of a simple life routine, rooted in brotherhood and love, is developed through the learning generated in the coexistence of all the kingdoms of nature: mineral, plant, animal and human.
MoreLight-Community Fraternity of Aurora
Paysandu, Uruguai
The Light-Community Fraternity of Aurora is a manifestation of the life of the spirit, an island of salvation, a space on the surface of the planet where we seek to experience new patterns of evolutionary behaviorwhich may lead us to live in harmony, fraternity and brotherhood with all Kingdoms.
It is a sacred placewhere we live in prayer and simplicity as the basis of spiritual work through which we find healing and redemption for our beings. United to love and knowledge, the essential pillars for the task that corresponds to us to live a new option, we seek to bring peace and balance to our humanity.
MoreBrotherhood Light-Community
Córdoba, Argentina
In the Brotherhood Light-Community, fraternal life is experienced daily. Everything is shared, and the activities are carried out voluntarily and offered to the Most High. Group life makes the expression of a new state of consciousness possible, focused on the common good and unconditional love for all the Kingdoms of Nature: Human, Plant, Mineral, Animal.
In the physical area of this community there are stones and water in abundance; where a high quality well was installed. The buildings and the entire area destined for work prioritize the intensive use of stones, which emanate a subtle energy and enhance the healing work.
Flor de Lys Light-Community
Fátima, Portugal
The communal life permanently brings together resident and stable members consecrated to the monastic life dedicated to the manifestation of an evolutionary group life, in harmony and balance with nature, holding prayer, instruction and service as their “field of cultivation,” of development and the offering of self. The constant presence of members of the Light-Network, collaborators and sympathizers of the work, broadens, strengthens and helps build communal life. Besides the daily rhythms, the community organizes regular meetings in different areas, aimed at the inner, spiritual and practical formation of individuals and group.
Light-Community Flor do Sagrado Tepui of Roraima
Roraima, Brasil
It began its activities as a Nucleus in November of 2016, and was instituted as a Light-Community in 2021.
With the start of the Roraima Humanitarian Mission, even during the early days of its creation, the activities of the Light-Community, while it still manifested as a Light-Nucleus, were focused on the important task of supporting together the beginning of the activities, with the Sagrada Humildade de São José Monastery, that they developed together with the Venezuelan immigrants who were arriving in Brazil in that region.
Currently, improvement projects for its facilities are being developed, as well as the beginning of the construction in the rural area of Boa Vista; also, an expansion in the development of its activities of a spiritual character and service to the Kingdoms of Nature: Human, Mineral, Animal and Plant.
Another field of service of the Service Network is connected with the partnership with the Indigenous Cultural and Training Centre (CCFI), which is active in the development of lasting solutions and livelihoods within the Roraima Humanitarian Mission.