Category: Spiritual Philosophy
On June 16, 17 and 18, 2023, the Youth Campaign for Peace and the Light Community of Figueira promoted the 1st Monthly Meeting "Youth Experience". The Encounter had the following phrase as an attribute: "Being in the Truth is the goal."
About 35 young people participated in the meeting, which had a varied program, contemplating prayer, service to the Kingdoms of Nature and moments of spiritual instruction.
On Saturday morning, the group visited Tierras de la Unidad (Lands of Unity), an area linked to the Light-Community that is mainly dedicated to the protection and care of the Animal Kingdom. In the afternoon, the young people participated in a round of conversations about the chapter "The Man-Eating Mares" from the book Time to Grow Inside (The Myth of Hercules Today), by the spiritualist philosopher José Trigueirinho Netto.
On Sunday morning, the group went to Tierras del Sol(The Lands of the Sun), the area of plantations of the Light-Community. At the same time that the sun was rising on the horizon, the group participated in a Spiritual Communion on the shores of one of the lakes, in a beautiful moment of reverence and devotion. After Communion, the young people carried out vigorous group work with various tasks, with a special focus in the fields dedicated to agroforestry.
"I felt that the impulse to do mutirão (group work) with the Kingdoms was very refreshing and that when we come together in a “mutirão”, we can not only contribute and promote what is necessary related to the tasks in an area, but we can also experience a liberation of internal processes and experience a healing through the Service", says Isabela.
The focus of this experience was service with the Kingdoms of Nature. In this sense, the Meeting expressed in its activities the importance of being guardians of our planet and the ecosystem.
The proposal is that these Meetings take place monthly in the Light Community of Figueira, giving young people the opportunity to, united, share in the flows of a community life.
For more information and registration: by e-mail or through the website
The meeting is free and spontaneous donations are welcome, so that other people can also have the same opportunity, and so that Community-Light can always be supported.