Category: Sustainable Agriculture

On May 3rd, the first Environmental Education experience was held in the “Terras do Sol” area of Light-Community Figueira. The theme of the experience was water. The objective was to introduce students, on site, to water sources, methods of conservation and protection of rivers, springs and riparian forests, to show the relationship between water and health, to stimulate socio-environmental awareness, responsible consumption and care for the resources offered by the planet. The experience was born from a request from a public school teacher to the Light-Community, to complement the content learned in the classroom. Fifty 5th grade students from Teacher Wanderleia Aparecida do Prado Nascimento Municipal School and D. Moacir Rezende Municipal School participated, both in Carmo da Cachoeira, as well as students from the technical course in agribusiness.
The students were welcomed with a brief reflection on the importance of water and had contact with images from books by Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher who demonstrated the effect of words and sounds on this element. They learned about the water wheel and how it works, the dry bathroom as an alternative without using water, and planted seeds around the lake to help grow the riparian forest. They ended the activity with a visit to the new vegetable garden that is being implemented in the area, observing the irrigation system and the closure of the water cycle in the area, from the source to its use in food production.
“For the Community, it was a joy to welcome these children and see the interest they showed in the subject. And most importantly: offering this opportunity to be in evolutionary contact with nature and learn that there are ways to use natural resources with love and respect, preserving the environment” – comments Clarissa Baumgartner, resident of the Light-Community and one of the organizers of the experience.

Professor Wander Sebastião Batista explains why he chose Light-Community Figueira to carry out experiences with his students: “The Community is seen by the population as an entity that experiences and applies conscious consumption, care and love for animals and to the human being, and sustainability, among other themes that match our project”. His assessment of the experience was very positive: “The activity exceeded expectations. The interaction between students and Community staff was magnificent. Our students loved it. They constantly ask when the next one will be. The dynamics of the activities were very good. With a quick conversation followed by practical activities. I also took high school students from another school. They were even more excited than our 5th grade students.”
For Maria do Carmo, a collaborator who lives in the Light-Community and participated in conducting the activities of this first experience, initiatives like this can have deeper repercussions on children and young people: “This work can be a seed that is planted in the conscience of these children. When we carry out a practical experience, learning becomes more complete, more alive.
The importance of all this contemplates a greater goal, which would be to increase the awareness of these children and young people towards a more balanced care for the planet and, above all, to awaken this seed of a human being more human, less indifferent towards others and the Kingdoms of Nature, and more responsible for their actions.”
Throughout the year, 4 more experiences like this will be held in the areas of Figueira, with the themes:
ANIMAL WELFARE - Objective: to address essential care for domestic animals, to value the evolutionary relationship between animals and humans, to raise awareness of the importance of wild animals for the balance of the environment;
ENERGY - Objective: to present the different types of energy that exist, what impacts they can have on the environment, conscious consumption, alternative energies and reduce the impact on the environment;
SOLID WASTE - Objective: to address the topic of conscious consumption, the life cycle of products, selective collection, classification and destination of waste, essential comfort, recycling and reuse;
FORESTS and CLIMATE - Objective: to present sustainable cultivation practices, agroforestry and agroecological gardening, care for biodiversity and soil, continuous food production in different cycles, rescuing and strengthening links with the land and agriculture.
For more information, you can contact us via email